Hello DCC members!

It is time once again to put together our annual Member Showcase! This is always one of my favorite meetings of the year and I’m excited to get started!

In the past we've focused on a number of topics and themes and this year we're doing something a little different. The Dallas Camera Club *IS* its members. Without you, there is no DCC. This year we want to show off photos from as many members as possible and we want to see what our members love most about their work.

We’re trying something a little different this year to collect images and have two ways for you to participate.

Please complete and submit your photos by Jan 10, 2025

Option #1: Google Form - We’ve built a survey form where you can answer a few questions and attach images as you go. The form is broken up into a few sections. You can complete the survey and attach the images all at once, or you can use the form multiple times to fill out specific sections individually if that’s easier. NOTE: The form does require you to log into a Gmail account. If you don’t have a Gmail account you’ll need to use option #2 below.

Link to Survey Form:  https://forms.gle/TDRVVHLG2fYgzsXw9


Option #2: Non-Gmail Form - This version of the form has all the same questions and sections but does not have a way to upload images and does not require logging into a Gmail account. Use this form to tell us about the photos you would like to submit. You will then need to send your photos to me here: steve@makeshiftphoto.com as attachments or via a file sharing service. PLEASE PROVIDE FILE NAMES IN THE SURVEY FORM.

Link to Non Gmail Version: https://forms.gle/5dQpWCwy85ig1wg17


Option #3: If neither of the options above work, let me know and we’ll figure out something that will work for you. Just shoot me an email: steve@makeshiftphoto.com.


Image Formatting: The standard competition format will work fine for submitting images. Details on this can be found on our website:



I hope that everyone enjoys the process and sharing images. The annual member showcase is always better with as many members participating as possible and we hope you consider joining in. The 2025 showcase will be shown at our Jan 28th meeting. Please send in your responses and images by Jan 14th. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help with either option above.

-Steve Reeves

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