Online Material

ICM and Me (July 11, 2024) - Nancy Mack
Dallas Camera Club - Training Material for Members Only

The Volunteer Photographer (June 18) - Lois Leman
PDF       VIDEO         Zoom AI Summary

Photo Club Contests (June 13) - Larry Petterborg
PDF        VIDEO         ZOOM AI Summary

AI Discussion May 21, 2024

Additional AI resource courtesy of Brooklyn working on Girl Scouts Digital Photographer Badge:

Ask Me Anything
2024-01-16 - Dennis Fritsche VIDEO PDF  - Cold Weather Shooting
  2024-02-20 - Dennis Fritsche PDF VIDEO (Cleaning Tripod, Stock Photos, Depth of Field and Hyperfocal Distance, UV Filters, Dennis' Editing Workflow)
  2024-05-09 - Dennis Fritsche VIDEO (Sizing Print for print service, Canon Raw Burst rolls not loading to Lightroom)

Workflow - Alan Daniel 2024-01-25 PDF VIDEO

Black and White Conversion and Toning - Anita Oakley and Dennis Fritsche VIDEO PDF ADDENDUM COLOR WHEEL

Planning the Shot with PhotoPills - Anita Oakley VIDEO NOTES PhotoPills Friday SEASON 1 SEASON 2

Solar Eclipse - Once in a Lifetime Event - March 19, 2024 - by Cliff McKenzie 
  Presentation OPEN    Speaking Notes OPEN      VIDEO     CHAT LINKS

Using Gradients in Lightroom - Craig Rowen VIDEO PDF


Live Material

Focus Stacking by Irwin Lightstone

Street Photography by Larry Petterborg
 Part 2 PDF VIDEO VIDEO2 (Video is from Zoom and Video2 is from an iPhone Recording)

Preparing for Totality by Jason Ware PDF

Interactive Sessions with Alan Whiteside
  20240325 - Michael Kenna - New Japan VIDEO PDF

What Judges Look for - Advanced Edition - Larry Petterborg
  April 23, 2024 PDF

My Passion
  Seascapes - 
Anita Oakley May 14, 2024  PDF
  Moving Water - Alan Whiteside, June 11, 2024 PDF
  Bird Photography - Alan Daniel, July 9, 2024     PDF

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