Dallas Camera Club Program History


January                    DCC Member Show
February                  Janet Cunningham: Enhance Your Photography with Lensbaby
March                      Graham Hobart: Previsualization
April                         Rebecca Flores: Making the Move to Moving Images
May                         90th Anniversary Celebration of the Dallas Camera Club
June                         Zach Warner: Funtography
July                          “Travel and Photographing the World” by Anita Oakley                         
December                 No program


January            DCC Member Show: The Elements – Earth, Water, Air and Fire
February          Dennis Fritsche: Themes and Projects
March              Norm Diamond: Photography from the Heart and Soul
April                Jeremy Lock: Outside Your Front Door
May                 Ximena Peryea
November       Susan Kindley
December       No Program


January                        DCC members: Photos of People, Plants, and Animals
February                      Sean Fitzgerald: Photographing Texas Prairies
March                          Kaye Hargis:  Exploring with a Camera
April                            Jim Hamel:  Night Photography:  Big City Lights
May                             Richard Sharum:  Campesino Cuba
June                             Steve Reeves: Contest Judging Confidential
July                              Richard Klein:  Finding Inspiration & Permission, The Contemporary Photographers’ Paradox
September                   Chris Rusanowsky:
November                   Frank Richards: (sometime in the last half of 2022)
December                    No program


January                     Photos of DFW by Dallas Camera Club members
February                   Lisa Langell: A Creative Photographer in All of Us.
March                       Smiley Pool (Dallas Morning News Photographer)
April                          Robert Moore: My Life on the Street
May                          Jim Walsh: The Best of Jim Walsh
June                          Carla Golden: Walk in the Woods
July                           Lisa Langel: The New Nature Photography
August                      Jeff Parker: Wanders in Wonder: A Wildlife Photography Journal
September               Larry Petterborg: Personal Photographic Projects
October                    No Program
November                Steve Hawiszczak & Denis Foglia: Route 66 for Photographers
December                 No program



January                     Photos of Texas, but not DFW, by Dallas Camera Club members
February                   Jeremy Woodhouse: Around World in 80 Photos
March                        No program (Covid-19)

April                           No program (Covid-19)

May                            Nikola Olic:  Structure Photography

June                           Alan Whiteside:  From Photographic Tourist to Explorer

July                             Tom Savage: Safaris in Tanzania

August                       Daniel Rodrigue: Photojournalism/Street Photography

September               Shelley Vandegrift: Invisible Story: Artistic Infrared Photography

October                    Adam Jones (Canon Explorer of Light): Through the Lens

November                Edgar Miller: Secret Sauce of Photography: Ingredients Included

December                No program



January                     Around North America with the Dallas Camera Club

February                   Kay Hale: Impact in Photography

March                        Erin Reeves: Writing, Photography, & Creative Evolution

April                           Irwin Lightstone:  Why B/W Whn Color is so Rlistic & Btiful

May                            Ashley Landis: Art of Doing Something Different  

June                           Tracy Allard:  Striving for Excellence & Mastery

July                             Loli Kantor: Presence

August                       Jay Hoppenstein: To Tell a Story

September               Evans Caglage:  A Look Back at Fashion & More

October                    Bird Competition

November                Mike Mezeul II

December                No program


January                     Around the World with the Dallas Camera Club

February                   Carolyn Brown: Inspiration in Photography

March                        Mike Hill:  Africa

April                           Giraud Polite: Things I’ve Seen Before

May                            Irwin Lightstone:  Macro Rules 

June                           Ron Hasty: Night Photography  

July                             Marion Hughes: Dirty Little Secrets of Digital Photography                        

August                       Larry Petterborg: A Photographic Retrospective: Lessons


September               No program

October                    Peter Poulides: Travel Photography

November                Diana Souza:  Dallas Down Low

December                No program


January                     National Parks Program by DCC members

February                   Richard Sharum: Street Photography vs. Documentary      


March                        Mike Mezeul: Landscapes & Weather

April                           Can Turk:  The Metaphysics of Portraits

May                            Printmaking by Steve Reeves

June                           Susan Stageman: Ordinary Moments in Still Life

July                             Frank Lopez: From Pinholes to Pixels: A Discussion of Integration of 19th-21st Century Technologies

August                       Scott Hilton: Landscape Photography in the American West


September               Tom Fox & Smiley Pool: Black Lives March in Dallas

October                    The Bird Competition

November                Michelle Marshall:  Lessons in Perception & Perspective:

                                       18 Months Around the World   

December                No Program


January                     Winn Fuqua: Drone Photography

February                   David Morgan:  Wildlife Around the World

March                        Jeff Glass: The Best of Jeff Glass

April                           Tim Heitman:  What Sports Photographers Have in Common with Pet Photographers   

May                            Lyn Caudle: Pushing Perspective & Punishing Pixels. In Camera

                                       Visual Effects Techniques

June                           David Bergman (Canon Explorer of Light):  Separate Yourself

                                       from the Pack

July                             Lupita Murillo-Tinnen: Environmental Portraiture

August                       Louis DeLuca: Photojournalism: Documenting History

September               Frank Richards: Leading the Eye

October                    Scot Miller: Landscape Photography

November                Bob Sherman:  Plan Before You Shoot

December                No Program


January                     Houston Brown: The Best of Houston Brown

February                   Chanelle Harris: Making Your Photos Pop with   

                                       Lightroom, Photoshop, and Topaz

March                        Ron Shue: Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

April                           Amy Holmes George: The Most Common Mistakes   Photographers Make

May                            Steve Reeves: My Development as a Photographer

June                           Robert (Chuck) Shreve Landscape Photography

July                             David Newman: Contributions of the Great Photographers

August                       Graham Hobart: Finding Your Visual Voice

September               Nighttime Shoot for members.  No program presenter.

October                    John Murray: Take a Longer Look

November                Scott Hilton: How Painters Influenced Photographers &

                                      Photographers Influenced Painters

December                No Program


January                     Dennis Fritsche: The Best of Dennis Fritsche

February                   Doug Box: Inspiration in Photography

March                        Steve Bomar: How to Win Photo Contests

April                           Gary Kelly: The Best of Gary Kelly

May                            Hal Waller: Making Duplicates

June                           Eleanore Avery

July                             Bill Naifeh: The Best of Bill Naifeh

August                       Marea Downey: A Photographic Journey

September               Member Participation Portrait Shoot

October                    Bird Competition in Dallas

November                Steve Ellinger: Fashion Photography

December                No program


January                     Kaye Hargis: Reflections on Photography

February                   John Hill

March                        No program

April                           Eleanor Avery: African Photographs

May                            Peter Poulides:  My Development as a Photographer

June                           Steve Kozak:  Scenics and Landscapes 

July                             Diana Souza:  Chronicle of a Creative Life 

August                       Larry Lourcey:  Cell Phone Photography

September               Frank Richards: The Best of Frank Richards

October                    Craig Scotland:  Photos of Ireland and Scotland

November                Justin Terveen:  Skies, Clouds, and the Urban Landscape

December                No Program


January                     Kim Ratzenthaler

February                   Lewis Kemper (Canon)

March                        Eleanore Avery: Africa

April                           Jeff Baker & Larry Travis: Fashion Portraiture

May                            Paula Buzenius: The Best of Paula Buzenius

June                           Winn Fuqua: Changing Light & Making Your Own Luck

July                             Eric Clement: My Career in Naval Photography 

August                       Drew Hendrix (Red River Paper)

September               Hal Ungar: Light: The Key to Good Photography

October                    “Bird Competition”

November                Scott Williams: European Landscape Photography

December                No Program



January                     Rob Hull

February                   Roger Moore (Muzunga)

March                        Jay Miller

April                           Potpourri

May                            Don Smarto

June                           Sean Fitzgerald

July                             Tom Fox

August                       Clark Crenshaw

September               David Leeson

October                    “Bird Competition”

November                Scott Miller (Sun to Moon Gallery)

December                No program




March                        Roger Sanderson   

April                           Potpourri

May                            Peter Smyth

June                           Adam Jones (Canon)

July                             Ron Marabito

August                       Dan Leffel

September               Nathan Harmon

October                    “Bird Competition”

November                Winn Fuqua

December                No program



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