Donate to the Gift and Endowment Fund
In order to achieve the Dallas Camera Club objective of realizing the mutual entertainment and education of its members in all forms of amateur photographic art, the Board of Directors established the Gifts and Endowments Fund. Contributions to this fund must be in the minimum amount of $100.00. These contributions are unrestricted and will be for any expenditure that is for the benefit of all members of the club and no gifts designated for specific individuals or groups within the club are allowed. All expenditures from the Gifts and Endowments fund require approval by the Board. Bank service fees or income from balances in this fund will accrue to the Gifts and Endowments fund.
This fund may be terminated and dissolved by a vote of the Board. On dissolution, any remaining funds will be transferred to the Operating funds.
Note: The Dallas Camera Club is a tax-exempt social club in compliance with US tax code 501 (c) (7) and donations to the club are not deductible by the donor. For more information, contact a tax professional.
Contributions are by credit card via PayPal or by check made payable to:
Dallas Camera Club
For: Gifts and Endowment Fund
Deliver the check to Treasurer, Mike Hill at meeting or mail to
Mike Hill
2977 Cattle Baron Dr.
Little Elm, TX 75068-2807