Training Classes for

Dallas Camera Club Members

A combination of live classes will be available to members of that club before each club's meetings. Plus, online classes will be available to members of Dallas Camera Club and Plano Photography Club over Zoom.

DCC Members access codes HERE. You must be a member and logged on to see this page. 

Start times:

PPC/DCC online classes start at 7:00 pm
DCC in-person classes start at 6:15 pm

Online Class Schedule





Jul 25

ME (Multiple Exposure) Creative Effect
Nancy Mack

 Thursday  Aug 8 Monochrome Processing and Printing


In-Person Class Schedule


Location: Room 239

Location: Room 237

July 23rd

Focus Stacking
Irwin Lightstone


August 13th

My Photography Passion: Structures, Old and New
Frank Richards

New Member Orientation -
Keni Evans

August 27th

Assignment - Michele Sons Appalachian Dreams.
Alan Whiteside

September 10th

My Photography Passion: Nature
Larry Petterborg

New Member Orientation -
Keni Evans

 September 24  My Photography Passion: Landscapes
Dennis Fritsche
 October 8 My Passion Flowers Part 1
Nancy Mack
 New Member Orientation -
Keni Evans
 October 22  My Passion Flowers Part2
Nancy Mack
 November 12  TBD  New Member Orientation -
Keni Evans


Current and Upcoming Class Descriptions

New in 2024

Training Opportunity Led by Alan Whiteside - Focus on Michele Sons
Complete Instructions DOWNLOAD

We are providing a long lead time with this message because the Dallas Camera Club training opportunity for Tuesday, August 27th will be different than most of our usual classes, so please read the following description carefully.
In-Person Class (starting at 6:15 pm), Room 239:
Interactive Discussion: Exemplar Photographers and Photographic Techniques/Genres/Concepts Focusing on Michele Sons - Gallery 3 — Michele Sons Photography

Street Photography - Larry Petterborg
January 23rd, February 13thMarch 12th, and one street photography outing.

Topics include:

  • What is Street Photography?
  • Brief History of Street Photography
  • Best Street Photography Examples
  • Equipment for Street Photography
  • Street Photography Techniques
  • Ethical Considerations
  • Show and Tell

Interactive Discussion: Exemplar Photographers and Photographic Techniques/Genres/Concepts
March 26th and other dates TBD.

Examining the photographic art of successful image makers is an excellent way to better understand what memorable/impactful/successful images look like as we strive to become better photographers ourselves. These sessions will engage participants in reviewing/studying the websites of outstanding photographers prior to class. During class, we will examine and discuss how the photographer's images were created (e.g., composition, techniques such as long exposure, etc.) and how specific images impacted you. You also may be encouraged to create an image using similar techniques and share it with the class.

My Photographic Passion
May 14thMarch 26th, June 11th, July 9th, August 6th, and September 10th.

This new series of classes will focus on the photographic passions of individual from the Dallas and Plano clubs. Each presenter will describe a photographic passion and techniques for successful images, as well as show examples from the image maker's collection. Q & A will be encouraged. While you may not initially share the photographer's passion, come ready to interact and to consider what your photographic passion might be.


  • Dennis Fritsche - Landscapes
  • Alan Whiteside - Moving Water
  • Alan Daniel - Birds
  • Frank Richards - Structures, Old and New
  • Larry Petterborg - Nature


Image Reviews
February 27th and other dates TBD.

Some of the best advice ever given to a photographer wishing to submit for competition is: "Don't let the judge be the first person to look at your image." With that in mind, this new series of classes generally will be offered at the meeting prior to the next competition submission date for the purpose of receiving feedback about an image you intend to submit. Participants will be asked to describe the intent of the image; other participants will be encouraged to give constructive feedback; and one of more instructors will show and/or demonstrate how changes could improve the image. Instructors will select images for class review that provide the best learning experience for all participants, and recommendations will be provided offline for other submitted images.



Descriptions for Prior Classes HERE

Material From Prior Classes

  Dallas Camera Club - 2023 Class Material
  Dallas Camera Club - 2022 Class Material
  Dallas Camera Club - 2021 Class Material
  Dallas Camera Club - 2020 Class Material
  Dallas Camera Club - Notes from Ask Me Anything Classes
  Dallas Camera Club - 2019 and Earlier Class Material
  Dallas Camera Club - 2019 and Earlier Video Tutorials


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