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Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month For Members and Guests

Meetings begin at 7:30pm in Adjoining Rooms 237 and 239
Training, when scheduled, will begin at 6:15pm in Room 239
Use either the Elevator or the Staircase by the Elevator to access the second floor.

Second Tuesdays - Contest Results Videos Live at 7:30 PM
Fourth Tuesdays - Program Meetings Live at 7:30 PM
Training when Scheduled is Held Before Each Meeting at 6:15PM


New and Prospective Members are invited to a Dallas Camera Club Orientation with Keni Evans and Lola Laird.
Meet in the back of the room at 6:15 before the Second Tuesday Meeting to hear about the rich history of the club
and learn how to best leverage the resources of the club to improve your photography.

We meet at Northaven United Methodist Church at 11211 Preston Road, Dallas TX 75230

The objective of the Dallas Camera Club is the mutual entertainment and education of its members in all forms of amateur photographic art. The DCC hosts contests and events including monthly competitions, field trips, training classes for all skill levels, workshops, programs of general interest, an Annual Awards Banquet and an annual competition with the Fort Worth Camera Club. The DCC emphasizes club competition as a learning process. Importance is placed on helping the beginner, or new member, feel at ease, ask questions, learn and participate.

Members Only: Login and check the RESOURCE LIST if you have specific questions and want to find help from a fellow member.


Donate to the Dallas Camera Club's Gift and Endowment Fund

The Board of Directors of the club approved the creation of a Gift and Endowment Fund. This fund allows members to make contributions to the club to realize the objective of the Club: the mutual entertainment and education of its members in all forms of amateur photographic art. For details and to donate, follow this link.

Dallas Camera Club - Donate to the Gift and Endowment Fund  

Thru the Lens 
February 2025 ISSUE OPEN



Dallas Camera Club 90th Anniversary Photography Exhibition
“Inspiring Photographers for 90 Years 1934-2024”
Bath House Cultural Center
521 E. Lawther Drive, Dallas, TX. 75218
March 29 - April 26, 2025

Dallas Camera Club 90th Anniversary Photography Exhibition.pdf

Each club member that is entering work will need to fill-out a registration form by February 15 that can be found at 
The jpeg images should be emailed to f-richards@sbcglobal.net.
The filename must include your name and the title of the work. The image's size needs to be 1920 px X 1280 px . 


Details of Past Programs and a List of Future Programs HERE  


February 25, 2025
  Janice Goetz

My Journey Inside and Around our Nation’s State Parks

Janice Goetz will present “My Journey Inside and Around our Nation’s State Parks” at the February 25th meeting.  Her images will show the vast diversity of ecosystems within our state park system.  Janice and her husband, John, purchased a travel trailer in 2020 and have camped at over 40 state parks over the past five years.  Staying overnight in the parks offers many opportunities and conveniences.  “All you have to do is open your door and walk outside to capture a beautiful sunrise, sunset, full moon, as well as numerous species of wildlife.”  Her presentation will include an overview of the many photo opportunities within each park.  Janice likes to tell a story through her photography by including a broad view of the landscape and dive into the weeds, including images of the many species of wildlife.  As part of her storytelling, she often includes images of individuals and families enjoying the variety of activities offered within the parks. 

Her journey through some of our nations state parks will take you to oceans, mountains, deserts, lakes, rivers and more. 

Since becoming a member of the Dallas Camera Club in 2021, Janice has taken advantage of numerous fieldtrips the club has offered.  Traveling to these destinations has given her an added opportunity to check out many of these gorgeous parks.


Field Trip Videos 
See all Field Trip Videos here. Dallas Camera Club - Videos

Upcoming Field Trips


Call for Images

Good Afternoon. After a rough start this morning, we ended up having a good time in the Texas Discovery Gardens Butterfly House. Congratulations to everyone that made it in for the shoot. Please send me up to seven (7) jpeg images from your time in and around the butterfly house. Resize your files to club contest dimensions (1920 w X 1280 h) and feel free to include your name on your pictures. Additional photos of club members may also be submitted. All images need to be sent to me by February 1st.
If you were not able to get into Fair Park today and still wish to submit images for the member slide show, just mosey on down next week sometime, enjoy yourself, send me some photos.
Thanks! L

WHAT: DCC February Field Trip

WHERE: Homestead Craft Village, Waco, Texas (https://www.homesteadheritage.com/)

WHEN: Saturday February 15th

For many years, the February Club Field Trip has been a scavenger hunt.  This year we are going to step outside the ‘box’ and try something new. Instead of giving you a list of subjects to find and photograph, we would like you to visit a fun new location and to make a photo story about your experience, or any story you come up with at this wonderful location.  We will be going to the HOMESTEAD CRAFT VILLAGE (just off I-35) near Waco.  It offers a wide variety of different aspects of farm and arts life.  From raising sheep, to spinning the wool, to creating on the loom through the finished piece.  Candle making, ceramics, and wood working.  They have a fabulous forge where they create many metal pieces including working with designers to recreate objects from our past.  Also, they grow grain and mill it with an old water wheel operated stone grinder.  Each area has its own small shop that sells items that they have made.  There also is a large market with everything as well.   The opportunities are endless and the workers there are very willing to work with you to get great shots.

Plan on editing to have 5-7 images to make a storytelling sequence that tells a story without words!!!  Think of shots that establish your story, a middle that has the meat of the story and then your conclusion.  The multiple images will document and illustrate your time at the Homestead. In addition, include a selfie for the slide show of individual stories.

We will have lunch at the Homestead at 12:30 in their terrific restaurant.

Ok, now the schedule.  We will meet at the restaurant at 9:45am to get set for the day.  Everyone can spread out to the many areas you might want to explore.  I recommend checking out the website to see what catches your fancy ahead of time.

After lunch you can continue working on your story at the Homestead until they close at 5pm.  Or you can drive over to the Cameron Park Zoo (also open till 5pm) which is about 15 minutes away.  A small zoo but very well laid out to get fun animal shots.

Homestead Craft Village.   608 Dry Creek Rd, Waco Tx 76705.  254-754-9600

Cameron Park Zoo, 1701 N. 4th St, Waco, Tx 76707.  254-750-8400

6 Tips for How to Build a Story and Shoot a Photo Project

April Field Trip Heads Up
Good Morning All. The annual club spring field trip will be to High Island/Bolivar Peninsula Texas April 10th to 14th. A number of us have reservations at the Gulfway Motel & Restaurant. If you wish to stay there as well, you should make plans now. Call 4092865217. They will fill up with birders from around the world to see the famous spring migration. There are lots of motel options in Winnie. You also may wish to look for a beach rental on Bolivar Peninsula.


Contests                                                     November 2024 Contest Results

February 2025 Contest Entries Due - February 9, 2025
Projected Images -Nighttime
Color Prints - Open
Monochrome Prints - Open

Dallas Camera Club - December 2024 Winners
Dallas Camera Club - 2024-2025 Scoresheet
December 2024 Projected VIDEO    December 2024 Print (Monochrome and Color) VIDEO



Live Training is Available Before Regular Meetings at 6:15
Online Training Is Available to Members of

Dallas Camera Club and Plano Photography Club

 Details and Schedules For All DCC Classes: Dallas Camera Club - Training and Education
Training held via Zoom. Find access code      DCC MEMBERS      

Dallas Camera Club - 2024 Class Material


Outward Bound - Photographic Contest Opportunities Outside the Club
Click on Image to Go to Details





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